Friday 27 January 2017

Some herbs and their medicinal qualities

Caliyaik healing herbs

If you have a fever with cold water when preparing nilavempuk atatotai leaf, Empower leaf, basil leaf, available in kantankattiri take Fistful of leaves along with drinking water kayccik flavored drink. If there is more than able-bodied, Fistful kuruntotti take root coarse powdered drinking water along with the banging kayccik drink.

Able-bodied with a high fever, headaches if the Vitex leaf, lemon leaf, turmeric, salt of stone vapor boiled off. This 'vetupitittal' nodded. Arakap flow throughout the body to sweat an hour nerattukkoru system continues to capture the spirit.


Medicine Internal Medicine, one of the forms of water or tincture. It's coffee, tea, boiled as not to unload. Adding water with medicine and one in four, one-eighth, one sixteenth, the filter is to be drained muppattirant brew together. Since this will be used for three hours, to produce tevaikkuttan. If you only have 12 hours to maintain hplask warm. To prepare the tincture jar, wood stove testers. Medicines for kasayat powder, can be very subtle.

Annap the porridge (punarpakam)

Until 50 years ago, the diet drug, which is known to everyone. With a little bit of rice, two pepper, cardamom and a roasted with ilavarup, it should be ground coarse. Downloading a lot of water to boil, adding the annap prepare the porridge. Medicine in the texts' punarpakam called. Nerattukkoru an hour at this time if drinking warm fatigue, fatigue, dizziness, etc. will be restored immediately.


Green Shatter

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